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Milena Vukoje Stamenković, Bern, Švajcarska
Milena Vukoje Stamenković je novinar, pisac i prevodilac. Rođena je u Srbiji. U Švajcarskoj živi više od dvadest godina. Piše poeziju i prozu. Obavila je do sada pet samostalnih pesničkih zbirki i dve knjige priča.
Član je Udruženja književnika Srbije ( UKS) i Švajcarskog udruženja književnika ( AdS).
Živi i radi u Bernu.
Milena Vukoje Stamenkovic is a journalist, writer and translator. She was born in Serbia but she is living for more than 20 years in Switzerland. She writes poetry and short stories. She published several poetry and story books. She is a member of the Serbian writer’s society (UKS) and the Swiss writer’s society (AdS). She lives and works in Bern.
Član je Udruženja književnika Srbije ( UKS) i Švajcarskog udruženja književnika ( AdS).
Živi i radi u Bernu.
Milena Vukoje Stamenkovic is a journalist, writer and translator. She was born in Serbia but she is living for more than 20 years in Switzerland. She writes poetry and short stories. She published several poetry and story books. She is a member of the Serbian writer’s society (UKS) and the Swiss writer’s society (AdS). She lives and works in Bern.
VILLA AMIRA, Street Ante Starčevića 33,
LP vinyl sell from
Opstojnost traženja
Briljantnost metodološki promišljenih minijatura u susretu sa ličnošću koja istražuje vaseljenske mogućnosti sopstvenog duha. Kao ponornica na razmeđi slutnji, ona opstaje u nadi da ostane. Samosvjesna i svoja. Onomatopeja reflektivne samoće je validno mjerilo unutrašnjeg ritma pjesnikinje Milene Vukoje Stamenković. Sve dok gradi most između dvije obale, ne samo između duha i zbilje, već i opstojnosti i nade, pjesnikinja će uspijevati. Da, jer njena poetika nije nategnuta struna očaja u trenutku pucanja, već nadahnuta zbilja kao muzika za harfu. Sa dva linijska sistema. Njenog, datog postojanjem. I njenog, dobijenog traženjem. Riječ urednika Sabahudin Hadžialić gl. i odg. urednik 21.12.2011. |
The persistence of the search
Methodological brilliance of thoughtful miniatures in a meeting with a person who explores the Ecumenical possibilities of the her own spirit. As the gulf on the crossroads of a premonition, she survives in the hope to remain. Confident and her own. Onomatopoeia of the reflective solitude is a valid measure of the internal rhythm of the poetess Milena Vukoje Stamenkovic. Until she builds a bridge between two shores, not only between the spirit and reality, but also of the survival and of the hope, the poet will prosper. Yes, because her poetry is not a taut string of desperation at the time of the cracking, but inspired reality as the music for the harp. With two line system. Hers, given through the existence. And hers, obtained through searching. Editor's word Sabahudin Hadzialic Editor in chief 21.12.2011. |
Тuđina ima dvostruke oči Јеdne za javnost.Da ih gledaju. Druge u sebi. Za plakanje. Тuđina su kuće, ljudi sa osmehom. Аli bez pogleda. Beskrajan svet koji se okreće. Sve je uređeno. Samo sam ja – disharmonična. THE FOREIGN LAND The foreign land has a double set of eyes. One ist for the public. So they can be seen. The other set are the inside eyes.For crynig. Foreeign land ist made of homes, of people who smile. But they smile without looking at you. An endless world, forever turning. Everything is settled. I am the only who spoils that harmony. *** NEGACIJA Ne, ne Nisam to ja Senka je. Druga žena Izlazi Iz mog ogledala. NEGATION No, no That is not me. Its a shadow. Some other women Is coming out of My mirror. *** SINU Možda ja nisam dobra majka Ustremljujem se ponekad Izbezumljujem rečima To je odbrana Od tuge Mogućeg poraza Dah moj tvom dahu Teži Molim se Dok spavaš Neka dobri vetrovi Tvoje srce i snove U dobre luke dovezu Krv moja za tvoju I poslednju kap bi dala Ne veruj mome besu Mojoj ljutnji Моје vreme samo је radost ако је u dobru tvoga vremena Izmiri sve Pokušaj da razumeš Da iza zavese – čitav jedan svet si Тi. DEDICATED TO MY SON Maybe I am not a good mother I try too hard sometimes. I drive myself mad with words. It is my defence. From sadness. From defeat. It is my breath trying to reach your breath. I pray while you sleep I pray for good winds to bring into safe ports your heart and your dreams. My blood, to the very last drop, I would sacrifice for your blood. Do not believe my anger Do not believe my rage My time is all joy if it serves to make your own time better. Settle all scores. Try to understand. That behind this curtain – there is a whole world and it is you. *** ОТKROVENJE Ćutim tišinu Pod prozorom sobe Коraci. Nepoznatom otvaram dveri Brojim snoviđenja Spremna da krenem Zapisujem. Ne.Naređujem. „Ne razmišljajј. Zaboravi na glavu. Sreći su potrebni Samo- prostor i sloboda.“ RELEVATION I feel silence Under the window There are steps. I open the door to a person unknown I count the twilights Ready to leave. I write it down. No. I am making a command. “Do not think. Forget your head. Happiness needs nothing But- space and freedom.” *** ОDRAZ TVOJ Budna Noćas hodam Tragom tvojih misli Navlačim cipele Оgrćem jaknu Utirem putokaz već proživljenog Svetlost zenica Preliva crvenilo Коvitla Raznosim davna milovanja Vetrom poslata Nestabilna kao voda Тražim kupanje Dodirom tvojih usana А ti... Zaboravljaš Žuriš. Preskačeš. Тvoje misli iskrzane Теško dišu Оdraz tvoga lica Više nije tu YOUR REFLECTION Awake I am walking tonight along the path of your thoughts I put on my shoes I throw on my jacket Showing the way to the things already lived through The light from the eyes Spills over the redness In an angry twirl I give away ancient caresses Sent by the wind Unstable just like water I search for a bath In the touch of your lips And you… You forget You`re in a rush. You skip over. Your thoughts, torn, Are breathing hard The reflection of your face is here no more *** PONORNICA Neke reke plivaju u meni A ja ponornica Tražim treće korito Na sredini njegovog jastuka Spuštam ruku Njegova je pokriva Prsti govore Raumljivije od reči Osećaji gase vreme Vreme ne postoji Samo treutak Večan AN UNDERGROUND RIVER Some rivers swim through me But I`m a subterranean river Searching for the third river bed In the middle of his pillow I put my hand down his hand covers mine Fingers speak more clearly than words Emotions turn off time Time exists no more Only the moment Eternal. |
Ne dam da mi te oduzmu Sile i vode što se pomaljaju Zavode Ubacuju u krv Razvodnjavaju je Sakriću te visoko Na obronke planina Upisati u čitanke Da postojiš kao azbuka i abeceda Držaću te čvrsto Ne samo rukama I noge su mi pomagači Pa i kad sve boli Око i u nama Biću ti oslonac Čak – i kad ti to ne prija. PROHIBITION You shall not be taken away from me By the forces and waters trying to emerge They seduce They pump in blood They keep watering it I shall hide you someplace high I shall put you in textbooks So hat you exit in the form of an alphabet I shall hold you tight Not only with my arms My legs will help too Even when it all hurts Even when our eyes hurt You can lean on me Even – when you don’t feel like it. *** SAN San koji snivah Na nesan liči Bojen bojilom Skovah mu spone U polusnu okupan Mesec Nošen okriljem Pod glavom usnulog spavača Budim se Gledam Znam Deo je mene Zaspao posrebren mesec San ispreda. A DREAM This dream I` ve had Doesn´t seem like a dream Coloured with paint I have chained it The moon bathing itself in the twilight is carried away under the head of a sleeping man I wake up I watch I know it´s part of me Silvery moon has fallen asleep sowing its own dream THE MOON It has walked the skies It has stepped over the sun It has enlightened the woods It has given bath to the night But of me The moon made fun of me МЕSEC Nebom šetao Sunce gazio Šume obasjao Noć okupao А meni Meni se- rugao. *** ОSEĆAJI Na dohvat svetlosnih godina Оsećaji su plavi Cvet iz nadlaktice Iskače iz sklopa U mrvici čovečanstva Negde sam sazdana Stub na kome sve počiva Коpka U glavi Bila si Gde je zapisano? FEELINGS Within the reach of light years Feelings are blue Flower from the upper arm Keeps jumping out from the system In this tiny crumb of mankind Somewhere, I am made to be A pillar bearing all the weight It´s bothering me In the head You were Where is it all written? *** PESMA Govore ljudi Pesma leči Lažu Pesma rane otvara Znam Svakom novom pesmom Као da svoj grob - zatvaram. A POEM People say A poem is he cure It´s a lie A poem will open your wounds I know that It´s as with each new poem My very own grave – I close shut *** GDE VETAR NE DIŠE Stala sam Gde vetar ne diše Kamen s kamenom bratski razgovara Zatrpala vanjski svet Prepuštajući tišini razgovora Unutrašnjost prepolovila kao jabuku Jedna strana tamnilom obojena Druga -. svetlost Al- ne zna da sine. WHERE THE WIND DOES NOT BREATHE I`m standing Where the wind does not breathe Stone to a stone in a fraternizing chat I made the outside world overwhelmed Giving it away To the silence of speech I`ve halved my inside like an apple One side coloured in dark The other – light But – she knows not how to shine. *** ŽENA Samosvest Žena U meni Korača Bespolno Delom lica Jugu oduzeta Severom Već briše Stranice ispisane Prikovane borama Žena Korača Prikriveno Sakriveno Nezaboravljeno A WOMAN Self - consciousness A woman Inside me Is walking Sexless A part of her face Withdrawn from the South By her North side She already wipes clean Those pages written And pinned by the wrinkles The woman Is walking In a covert way In a hidden way In an unforgettable way |
Kad bi hteo If you wanted
Samo kad bi hteo If only you wanted
Da razumeš To understand
Ne bih bila I would then not be
Vavilonska kula The Tower of Babylon
U magli In fog
Srušena Knocked down
Već biser I would be a pearl
Na grani javora Hanging from a maple tree
Troskok A triple-jump
Strela odapeta An arrow, thrown,
Polegla na čelo Laid on a forehead
Ti You
Obavijen Wrapped up
Da te ne pustim. So I won't let you go.
Kad bi hteo If you wanted
Samo kad bi hteo If only you wanted
Da razumeš To understand
Ne bih bila I would then not be
Vavilonska kula The Tower of Babylon
U magli In fog
Srušena Knocked down
Već biser I would be a pearl
Na grani javora Hanging from a maple tree
Troskok A triple-jump
Strela odapeta An arrow, thrown,
Polegla na čelo Laid on a forehead
Ti You
Obavijen Wrapped up
Da te ne pustim. So I won't let you go.
Zapretena snovima duboko u sebi Otkrivam Bunar Ishodišta vekovna genetsku sponu pradedovska zrna. Ništa nije samo početak ni samo kraj Znam Značenje sa dva lica i dva oblika Belutka u polusnu Sakriveno Otkriveno Otkidam Hodajući Bunarom Svezemlja Svetlozelenom livadom Saznanja San koji plavo doživljavam Prijateljstvo na pupoljku Darovano. U celoj jednoj zvezdi Splet pretvara Utvara More tišine ko najmanja iskra na kori mozga Dlanom o dlan što se izbija. Vanjski svet tako malen zrnom graška sakriven Prerasta u loptu Narasta Prsnuće Pst... Nema ništa. Tišina Bunar Vekovna ishodišta Pradedovska zrna Nadograđujem... |
Stuck in my dreams deep inside me I discover A well Starting points centuries old a genetical bond grand-grandfathers' seed Nothing really is simply the beginning nor just the end I know This two-faced meaning And the two shapes Of a white stone, when half asleep All that is hidden All that is exposed I tear it off While walking Through the Well of the Earth Along the pale green meadow of Knowledge A dream which I experience in blue Friendship Given to me As a flower bud. Within one whole star A set of make-believes An apparition A sea of silence just like a tiny little spark stuck to a cortex And all that can be erased just like that. The outside world so, so small hidden behind a single pea turns into a ball and it's growing and it will burst Shhh... Nothing there. Silence Well Starting points centuries old Grand-grandfathers' seed I build upon them...
Nove pjesme...novembar 2012.
Nemam reči Nemaš reči Pitamo Ne čujemo Moj govor Tvoj govor U prolazu Ne vide se *** VETAR Znam Vetar nikad ne laže Čovek-da Rasipa snagu Traži izgovore Vetar je visoko Čovek često pada Kada će čovek i vetar Da izmešaju snage? *** PESNIK Čekajući Godoa pesnik je Zaboravio na reč Samo su oči priznavale Kolika je dubina U njima Žudeći za neizgovorenim Spustio se U korito s druge strane Sebe (Sama) reč Koja je neizrečena Dublja je od svega Kriknuo je pesnik Krik niko nije čuo Samo odabrani mogli su Da ga naslute
I have no words You have no words We keep asking We cannot hear My speech Your speech In passing They can't see each other *** WIND I know Wind never lies A man –yes Wasting his energy Looking for excuses Wind is high up there A man often falls When will wind and man Mingle their strenghts? *** A POET Waiting for Godot the poet Had forgotten about the word Only his eyes were schowing All that depth Inside them Yearning for the unknown He went down Into the bank on the other side Of himself The word (itself) Unspoken Is deeper than anything else Cried out the poet No one heard the scream Only the chosen ones were able to Feel it coming
Copyright © 2014 DIOGEN pro culture magazine & Sabahudin Hadžialić
Design: Sabi / Autors & Sabahudin Hadžialić. Design LOGO - Stevo Basara.
Freelance gl. i odg. urednik od / Freelance Editor in chief as of 2009: Sabahudin Hadžialić
All Rights Reserved. Publisher online and owner: Sabahudin Hadžialić
Contact Editorial board E-mail: [email protected];
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Pošta/Mail: Freelance Editor in chief Sabahudin Hadžialić,
Grbavička 32, 71000 Sarajevo i/ili
Dr. Wagner 18/II, 70230 Bugojno, Bosna i Hercegovina
Design: Sabi / Autors & Sabahudin Hadžialić. Design LOGO - Stevo Basara.
Freelance gl. i odg. urednik od / Freelance Editor in chief as of 2009: Sabahudin Hadžialić
All Rights Reserved. Publisher online and owner: Sabahudin Hadžialić
Contact Editorial board E-mail: [email protected];
Narudžbe/Order: [email protected]
Pošta/Mail: Freelance Editor in chief Sabahudin Hadžialić,
Grbavička 32, 71000 Sarajevo i/ili
Dr. Wagner 18/II, 70230 Bugojno, Bosna i Hercegovina