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Dr. Adolf P. Shvedchikov, Los Angeles, USA
Dr. Adolf P. Shvedchikov, PhD, LittD, Russian scientist, poet and translator
Born May 11, 1937, Shakhty, Russia. Graduate 1960 Moscow State University, Senior scientific worker at the Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Chief of Chemistry, Pulsatron Technology Corporation, Los Angeles, California, USA.
He published more than 150 scientific papers and above 500 poems in different International magazines of poetry in Russia, USA, Brazil, England, India, China, Korea, Japan, Italy, France, Spain, Greece, Romania, Albania, Cyprus, Malta and Australia. His poems have been translated
into many languages.
He is the member of the International Society of Poets, the World Congress of Poets, International Association of Writers and Artists, A.L.I.A.S. (Assiciazione Letteraria Italo-Australiana Scittori, Melbourn, Australia).
He is known also for his translation of English poetry ("150 English Sonnets of XVI-XIX Centuries", Moscow. 1992 and "William Shakespeare Sonnets." Moscow. 1996) as well as translation of many modern poets from Brazil, India, Italy, Greece, England, China, Japan and U.S.A.
Born May 11, 1937, Shakhty, Russia. Graduate 1960 Moscow State University, Senior scientific worker at the Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Chief of Chemistry, Pulsatron Technology Corporation, Los Angeles, California, USA.
He published more than 150 scientific papers and above 500 poems in different International magazines of poetry in Russia, USA, Brazil, England, India, China, Korea, Japan, Italy, France, Spain, Greece, Romania, Albania, Cyprus, Malta and Australia. His poems have been translated
into many languages.
He is the member of the International Society of Poets, the World Congress of Poets, International Association of Writers and Artists, A.L.I.A.S. (Assiciazione Letteraria Italo-Australiana Scittori, Melbourn, Australia).
He is known also for his translation of English poetry ("150 English Sonnets of XVI-XIX Centuries", Moscow. 1992 and "William Shakespeare Sonnets." Moscow. 1996) as well as translation of many modern poets from Brazil, India, Italy, Greece, England, China, Japan and U.S.A.
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VILLA AMIRA, Street Ante Starčevića 33,
LP vinyl sell from
The new book of our author
English/Russian.240 pages. ISBN: 978-0981730097, 2013.DERC Publishing House. USA)
This book is available on or from the Editor Dr. Michael M.Dediu (Email:
[email protected] )
Čitati nadu
Iskustvo mušketira u susretu sa krstaškim borcem ljubavi rađa senzibilitet zdravog razuma. Adolf P. Shvedchikov je poetski osvješten unutar pokušaja da nas usmjeri ka shvaćanju kako zaista "plutamo na okeanu", baš kao i njegovi snovi. Ili java? Odbiti ga znači odmoći sebi. Njegova poezija je pojas za spasavanje pred burom svakodnevnice. Valja ga čitati. I cijeniti život. Bez obzira na kraj. Jer, šta je kraj do novi početak. Nadanja. Ne samo kod Shvedchikova. Riječ urednika Sabahudin Hadžialić gl. i odg. urednik 21.12.2011. |
Reading a hope
Experience of the Musketeer in the encounter with the crusader love fighter gives a birth for the sensibility of common sense. Adolf P. Shvedchikov is poetically conscious within attempt to direct us toward understanding how we are really "floats on the ocean," just as his dreams. Or java? To reject him means to harm yourself. His poetry is a lifeline in front of the storms of everyday life. We should read it. And appreciate life. Regardless of the end. For, what is the end than a new beginning. Of Hopes. Not only at Shvedchikov's. Editor's word Sabahudin Hadzialic Editor in chief 21.12.2011. |
The new books of poet Adolf P. Shvedchikov are available from the Editors by E-mail: 1. "The Rainbow" ( 324 pages, English, Greek, Russian), Cyprus, 2011, ISBN: 978-9963668311. Editor: Rubi Andredakis
( E-mail: [email protected]) I LIKE THESE SILENT DAYS OF SPRING
I like these silent days of spring With the balmy scent of frasgrant flowers, With dazzling snow-white cloud's towers, And the whisper of waters murmuring. I like the delightful, sparkling May, Taking a sip of mirthful wine, Looking at the ivy serpentine, When dreamy thought wander astray... MY MUSE, UNDYING NIGHTINGALE My Muse, undying nightingale, Guide me reliably through the dark, Sail around the world, my proud bark, Tell the people blissful fairy tale. Don't permit me to change the right course, Gentle Muse, don't burn your silken wings, We hope to be met with new springs, To scatter our songs through the Universe! OH LOVE, WHERE WILL YOU FIND YOUR HAVEN Oh love, where will you find your haven, In what heart are you going to dwell? Will this pure heart ascend to heaven Or will it burn in fearsom hell? Oh my beloved, perhaps you guess, How I did love and love you still, An unforgettable princess, Moan of my soul, long and shrill... OH LOVE, WHERE WILL YOU FIND YOUR HAVEN Don't be afraid of loneliness. The time will come when love Lights up your dark path, And a withered but will be reborn. Don't be in doubt everywhere, The black clouds will disappear And the sunbeam will say: Goodbye, sadness! You feel the heartbeat and dizziness As you did your youth! Your feelings are as before, You found the lost key of happiness! ENJOY YOUR LIFE TODAY Enjoy your life today, Don't care about tomorrow, Why are you in bitter sorrow? Say to the stress: go away! Remember, beauty is divine, There exists still a gentle grace, Look at your tear-stained face, Wake up! And bask in the sunshine! *** Ins Deutche ubertragen von Kurt F. Svatek (AUSTRIA) OH LOVE, WHERE WILL YOU FIND YOUR HAVEN Oh love, where will you find your haven, In what heart are you going to dwell? Will this pure heart ascend to heaven Or will it burn in fearsom hell? Oh my beloved, perhaps you guess, How I did love and love you still, An unforgettable princess, Moan of my soul, long and shrill... O LIEBE, WO WIRST DU DEINEN HAFEN FINDEN O Liebe, wo wirst du deinen Hafen finden, In welchem Herzen wirst du wohnen? Wird dieses lautere Herz zum Himmel aufsteigen, Oder wird es in Furcht erregender Hölle verbrennen? O meine Liebe, vielleicht wrräts du, Wie ich dich liebte und dich immer noch liebe, Eine unvergessliche Prinzessin, Seufzer meiner Seele, lang und schrill... I LIKE THE MEADOW'S SILKEN BREAST I like the meadow's silken breast, Where I laid too many times With balmy dreams, with roamong rhymes... I was not an uncommon guest In this delightful resting place With mossy grass, and velvet greens, That's what a peaceful pappiness means, When you are lucky, by God's grace! ICH MAG DER WIESE SEIDENEN BUSEN Ich lag wie auf Seide oder Damast Zu oft schon im zarten Wiesengrün, Mit sanften Trämen, mit Reimen, die ziehn, Dabei war ich gar kein besonderer Gast Auf diesem wunderbaren Stück Mit moosingem Gras, in samtigen Grün, So ist's weenn Friede und Heiterkeit blü'n, Aus Gottes Gnade, so voll von Glück! TO ASCEND THE THRONE OF POETRY To ascend the throne of poetry, To clench in your hands the power of word, To gain such a generous award, Can you imagine, it might be? At times I try to wend my way, reaching an unattainable height, To have the mythological king's might, To stop at last to go astray... Where is a wizard who will guard, Who will point to the exalted place, Where any poet is master, an ace, Generally known, gifted bard! DEN THRON DER POESIE BESTEIGEN Den Thron der Poesie bestigen, mit deinen Händen Die Kraft des Wortes umklammernm, Einen grosszüginen Preis gewinnen, Kannst du dir vorstellen, das könnte alles sein? Zu Zeiten versuchte ich mich aufzumachen, Eine unerreichbare Höhe zu erreichen, Die mythologische Königsmacht zu besitzen, Letztlich aufzuhören, in die Irre zu gehen... Wo ist ein Hexenmeister, der führen wird, Der den erhabenen Platz zeigen wird Wo jeder Poet meister ist und ein As Und ein allgemein bekannter und begabter Barde! WE CAN'T GET REALLY WHAT WE NEED We can't get really what we need We can't hold up this moment, trust, The time casts all acts in the past, It means that we do, we did! And everything that I just said, Moves forever in the past, Disappearing in the vast... Just as you like, you may regret! WIR KÖNNEN NICHT KRIEGEN WAS WIRKLICH WIR WOLLEN Wir können nicht kriegen was wirklich wir wollen, Nicht fest verankern den Augenblick, Die Zeit wirft alles ins Gestern zurück, Was wir tun ist getan und verschollen. Und alles was gerade ich sprach, Es geht in die vergangene Zeit, Verschwindet in Unendlichkeit... Gleich dir, welch grosses Ungemach! MY DREAMS ARE FLOATING IN THE OCEAN My dreams are floating in the ocean Nonstop, every day and night, The winds frolic and pursue their flight Bringing the bliss on new emotions. I hear the spiritual song, My each motive, motion and tone Comes with that music in unison. Oh, life is charmed, nothing is wrong! MEINE TRÄUME TREIBEN IM MEER Meine träme treiben im Meer Onhe Uterbrechung, Tag und Nacht Und bringen das Glück neuer Gefühle. Ich höre das geistige Lied, jedes meiner Motive, Jede Bewegung und jeder Ton Stimmwn in diese Musik ein. O, wie ist das Lebenb bezaubernd, nichts ist verkehrt! THE SUMMER PASSED AWAY, AND DREARY AUTUMN COMES The summer passed away, and dreary autumn comes, The earth is ready to burst into tears, And every blade is full of fears Hearing how how cold winds beat the drums. I am weeping too like a poor blade, Which resists lieing under the snow hidden, Where it is severly forbidden! Oh cruel law of life, I am afraid! DER SOMMER VERGING UND DER EINTÖNIGE HERBST KOMMT Der Sommer verging und der eintönige Herbst kommt, Die Erde ist bereit in Tränen auszubrechen, Und jedes Blatt ist voller Furcht, hörend, Wie kalt der Wind die Trommel schlägt. Auch ich weine Wie ein armes Blatt, das sich dagegen wehrt, Unter dem Schnee versteckt zu liegen, Wo es streng verboten ist! O, grausames Gesetzt des Lebens, ich habe Angst! I MADE MY PAPER BOAT I made my paper boat And found a little brook, Now i am ready to float Looking for the nearest crook, where this silent brook Meets another rapid stream... I'll write an amazing book About my glorious dream. When I'll be a handsome boy, I'll find an ocean ship. Remembering this paper toy, I'll make my round-the-world trip! ICH HABE MEIN PAPIERBOOT GEMACHT Ich habe mein Papierboot gemacht, Und fand einen kleinen Bach, Nun bin ich bereit es schwimmen zu lassen, Auf die nächste Biegung wartend, Wo dieser ruhige Bach in einen anderen, Schnellen Bach mündet... Ich werde ein erstaunliches Buch schreiben Über meinen glorreichen Traum. When ich ein ansehnlicher Junge sein werde, Werde ich einen Ozeandampfer finden. In Erinnerung an mein Paperboot, Werde ich eine Weltreise machen. TRUE LOVE HITS YOU LIKE A FIERY ARROW True love hits you like a fiery arrow, It doesn't matter, are you unkind or smart. You feel an unknown forse which harrows And tears apart your heart! WAHRE LIEBE TRIFFT DICH WIE EIN GLÜENDER PFEIL Wahre Liebe trifft dich wie ein glüender Pfeil, Es macht nichts, ob du unfreundlich bist oder klug, Du fühlst eine unbekannte Kraft, die dich Auf der Seite deines Herzens peinigt und zerreisst. *** Traduzione di Franco Coppola (Australia) CIELO BLU Il vento fresco spazzò via le nuvole grigie, Il cielo blu sorride allegramente, E noi camminiamo con te In un campo fiorito I tuoi occhi diventano turchini. Siamo felici e cantiamo una lieta canzone Che fugge via e muore pian piano Lassù, tra le nuvole. Sia ringraziato Iddio, il maltempo È passato, e siamo pronti per volare ancora! BLUE SKY The fresh wind broke up grey clouds, The blue sky smiles with joy, And we are walking with you Through a blooming field, And your eyes become turquoise. We are happy singing our joyful song Which sped away and died down Somewhere among clouds. Thank God, the inclement weather Is over, and we are reafy to fly again! HAI CAMBIATO LA MIA VITA Hai cambiato la mia vita, Di questo ne ho conferna definitiva. Non ricordo più della mia vita Prima di averti incontrato. Ti adoro, sento librarmi in volo Ogni giorno più in alto Per aprire il cancerllo del paradiso. Sono felice, faccio miracoli, ti amo E muoio dalla felicità! YOU'VE CHANGED MY LIFE You've changed my life, I know that definetely. I don't remember more of my life before I met you. I whorship you, I feel everyday That I soar in the sky Opening the gates of paradise. I'm happy, I work miracles, I love you And I am dying from happiness! NUDA Quando sei nuda, Non posso togliere via lo sguardo! Sei come chicchi di grano maturo E spargi odore di fiori campesti. Trascinandoti dietro secoli, Sei calda com'è il sole a mezzodi! Tu sei l'unico scopo della vita, Sei vigorosa sangue che ti bolle. Chi può competere con te, Mia Madonna Russa! NUDE When you are nude, I cannot turn my eyes away! You are like ripe grains of wheat Spreading the scent of field flowers. Centuries crawl behind you, And you are hot like the noon sun! You are the whole point of life, You are vigorous and full-blooded. Who can compete with you, My Russian Madonna! NAIADE Oh, ninfa, figlia Affascinante delle acque, Mia bella Naiade, Dammi il tuo dolce amore, Canta la tua canzone d'amore, Chiamami, Naiade, e tuo sarò M'infiammi, come polvere da sparo! Lascia che tocchi il tuo sontuoso petto, Pressami con affetto Contro il tuo corpo abbronzato, fammi provar piacere, Naiade, Mentre sono ancora in vita. NAIAD Oh nimph, the daughter Of captivating waters, My attractive Naiad, Give me your sweet love, Sing your amorous song. Call me, Naiad, I am yours, I'll ignite like gunpowder! Let me touch your ample breasts, Let me cuddle up To your bronze body, Give me pleasure, Naiad, While I am still alive. TU SEI LA MIA CONCHIGLIA DI MADREPERLA Tu sei la mia conchiglia di madreperla, Belissima creazione del profondo del mare! Quando ti pongo vicina all'orecchio, Sento n dolce, ma monotono canto. Ascoltando la triste tua canzone, Sento che tu, vivi un'altra volta, Per narrarmi le tue storie, del mare E per descrivermi, del corallo i colori. E so che in dono mi porterai Una collana di perle luminose, Come non vidi mai in vita mia! YOU ARE MY MOTHER-OF-PEARL SEA-SHELL You are my mother-of-pearle sea-shell, The beautiful creation of the sea's depths! When I place you near my ear, I hear a sweet monotonous song. Hearing your sad song, I know that you will alive again, Telling me sea-stories and describing How colorful the corals are. I know that you will bring me A luminous pearl necklace Which I never saw before in my life! *** MY LYRE Who does still needs us, The grains of sand? Only you, to whom I trust, My Lyre, without end. With you I wander All my life, Only you work wonders, With you I'm still alive. With you I'm ready To meet new dawn, With you, my First Lady, I am not alone. Sunset is here, It brings dark night... Thank you, my Lyre, Enchanting, bright! MY REDEMPTION IS RELIABLE RHYME Sweet flowers of lovely spring, How short is your fragrant day. I try to gasp time's wing, But it is slipping forever away. Who am I, eternity dust, Tiny morsel of God's clay? I don't know the answer, alas! But I cannot bring back this May! How I hate the prison of time, I don't want to have right to die... My redemption is reliable rhyme Which helps me to survive and to fly! THE PEACEFUL DAY Nothing is so nice and splendid as Spring. White snowdrop's birth, the first swallow's wing, The echoing forest is gorgeous and green, A scene filled with silence, so peaceful, serene, But sparrows are chirping: spring, early spring... The water of brook runs quiet downstream, Be happy, my love, unforgettable dream! MIAMI BEACH I remember spring's early morning, Breath of the ocean and humid sand. The clouds are ruptured, foamy waves are moaning, Is that the Beginning, the Present, the End? Monotonous song is humming, It hits my ear like a knife, Perhaps it sounded here there was no Miami, In complete indifference to our death and life... TUMBLEWEED Tumbleweed, prickly ball, Why are you tumbling, why? Are you looking for the wall Under the wind-swept sky? Are you looking for the rest After a long run? Are you ready to build the nest Under the scorching sun? But wind still blows and blows Endlessly, day after day, Where prickly ball goes Tumbling away... APPEAL TO A POET Don't worry about wreath of laurel, Save forever your crown of thorns. Life is beautiful, splendid coral Full of invisible hidden moans. Are you ready to find the forces To jump in the future and to burn the heart? Don't forget that poets are working horses Drawing a brilliant chariot of art! LIFE Everything that nature has built, Blue sky and dark night, Black fallow spring field, First swallow's rapid flight, A ripe bunch of grapes, A crimson delightful sunrise, Tell me, who all that creates, How did it all arise? Longing love's liqueur, Broken heart's grief, Why does it all occur, Have a soul anew, believe? Our life is a dense jungle Covered by a mystical veil, Full of promises and juggles, Enormously excitable ale! APRIL IS A NICE TIME TO DIE April is a nice time to die, When early spring is coming, When the first bee is humming, And a lark is trilling in the sky. A pleasant month, fragrant and calm, Weaving meadow's wonderful carpet, Life reborn a gorgeous market, Violets, daisies and pansies' realm. Month of holy Passover and Easter When every flower falls in love, Eternal song of a cooing dove, An eternal earth fiesta! April is a nice time to die Somewhere close to a desert border, Where life meets with death to order God's law of nature not answering, why. WAKE UP, MY LOVE, SPRING KNOCKS AT THE DOOR Wake up, my love, spring knocks at the door, Nature has suddenly changed. Days became longer evermore, Life is reviewed and arranged. Every blade of grass sings by alto In the spring's musical accord. It's deserves of the Golden Award When it makes the way trough the asphalt. Wake up, my love, it is spring again. Look, your beautiful freckles Are weaving an elegant necklace, gathering together sunny droplets of rain. Get up, and kiss me as before, Let's drink beloved Zinfandel wine. I'm happy, spring knocks at the door, My gladness, you are divine! OH, LET MY SOUL THINGS THE MYSTIC SONG! Oh, let my soul sings the mystic song! Look every day at yellow pages of time, And watch how solemnly your song will climb, How melodious is your song and strong! I know for sure that it will live long Bringing to people gladness, mirth and joy, My wondrous soul, be happy and enjoy When blithe song will be raised to the throne! I FEEL THE WARMTH OF TENDER LAND I feel the warmth of tender land, Lying down on the velvet grass, Gazing at the river's glass, I'm happy, I'm in Wonderland! Looking into smiling heaven, I am a part of the passing clouds, I am ready to cry aloud, I've found my sheltered haven! HOW CAREFREE ARE EARLY SEVENTEENTH! How carefree are early seventeenth, That time when everyone may sing, Everybody is queen and king, The roses are pink, and grass is green! My unforgettable seventeenth In plain shirt, in shabby jeans... The sparkling and alluring springs, Life looks like glossy magazines! Old age arrives, creating a scene, Too much concern, too many arrears, A dim of dreary twilight appears... Where are you now, my seventeenth? THE NATURE OF POET The poet is an artist, painting in his pleasure. He doesn't need brushes or mute canvas, He uses different instrument, alas, The proper words commensurate with measure. Epithets and metaphors are his treasure. He paints upon an invisible canvas of mind, His art may see by even the blind, Obtaining a myriad of genuine pleasure! And mixing joy with the severest pain, Igniting your sensitive heart's fire, He moves your wondrous imagination higher, Inviting you into his illustrious reign! THE KALEIDOSCOPE OF YOUR FANTASY How amusing is the kaleidoscope of your fantasy, How graceful painting, if anyone may see, How landless is your imagination's sea, How voluptuous is the flight of fancy! Everything gives pleasure and gets a breath, You create your own sunset and sunrise, You live in your painted paradise... Otherwise you will be bored to death! PERHAPS YOU'LL HEAR MY FORGOTTEN SONG Perhaps you'll hear my forgotten song, Maybe you'll shed also a silent tear... Who knows when my name will disappear, Fate is cruel, who will raise to the throne? I don't know exactly, how long My song will live and touch your ear, Let God bless that magnificent year, When you still hear my echoing song... MY POOR FLOWER, I STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND My poor flower, I still don't understand, How do you live amid asphalt and stones, Your life is fell of perpetual moans, Your sprouts are among the tar and sand. My poor flower, how can you stand, Covered by the clouds of exhaust gas, How do you live overstressed, Thinking about mystical Wonderland! LOVE IS AN ENDLESS STREAM Love is an endless stream, Love is eerie like a ghost, You may be guest or host, Love is like an amazing dream! Sometimes it burns, at times it gleams, You cannot catch her with a net. Alas! Nobody knows yet, What real love exactly means... IF I COULD PUT MY FEELINGS INTO WORDS If I could put my feelings into words, If I could realize my dream, If I could create my own Gulf Stream, If I could strike a sensitive chord, Then I would like to tell you, That you are my biggest treasure, I love you in the fullest measure, I am all yours without residue! I WOULD LIKE TO STAY WITH YOU I would like to stay with you, Being your endless rolling wave, My beloved, I'm ready to waive From old life and melt into you. I would like to stay with you, To protect you day and night, Being your silent candlelight, To light up everything anew. I would like to stay with you, To embrace you like a dream, To spread like a whispering stream, Tom please you like the morning dew. I would like to stay with you, To spend the rest of my life without fear, I don't want to disappear, I don't want to tell you adieu! THERE ARE NOT APPROPRIATE WORDS There are not appropriate words, Your lips are dry, my throat is parched, I cannot touch whom I loved so much, Just vanished an emotional chord. And suddenly a senseless sword Cut every thread that tied us together, With one stroke changed the weather, Now is depleted our hard-won hoard! There are not any appropriate words, All our feelings melted like wax, How rough is reality's axe, When nothing strikes a sensitive chord... HOW DIVINE IS DANCE OF JOY! How divine is dance of joy! It looks like a perpetual cascade Which never stops and never fades, Have sensual pleasure and enjoy! Feel the pulsation of thirsty lips, Your heart beats quickly to and fro, You are so happy with what's in store, How alluring is love nectar's sips! WAIT! Who may evaluate The expanse of your poetical sea, Who is able to calculate How far are extended the roots of your tree? Who ought to manipulate Your feeling, your sense? You are great poet, wait, The admirers will burn incense! REJECT AN OLD TRUTH "FROM DUST TO DUST" Reject an old truth "from dust to dust". We are not dust, we are human beings, We adore myriad of different things, We are not covered by ancient crust, We are exactly unique living beings, trust! We are something else, not slippery sand, We are valuable part of magic Wonderland, Provided with sense and ready to burst Into tears, We live without fears, We speak and hear, We are living beings, we are not dust! I'VE GAZED INTO THE MIRROR OF MY SOUL I've gazed into the mirror of my soul, I've tried to find there something new, Some unusual color's hue, But I found an ancient wall. There was nothing to review, I did not find anything sublime, Why to spend in vain my time? Game is over! Goodbye! Adieu! I WISH I WERE... I wish I were immortal wings, To bring to you balmy smiling springs. I wish I were a playful breeze, To kiss you gently, to give you ease. I wish I were your lurid stream, To be your lover, your rosy dream. I wish I were your summer song, I'd wait your answer, but how long? I wish I were your daylight, But give me a chance for magic night!
2. "I am an eternal child of spring" ( 270 pages, English, Italian, French, German, Spanish, Russian), USA, 2012ISBN: 978-1475085358. Editor: Dr. Michael M.Dediu (E-mail: [email protected])
Traducción por Joseé Antonio Alonso Navarro (ESPAÑA)
BLACK HOLE I sense the influence of a black hole Spreading spacious long wings, Suddenly the birds stopped to sing, Dense fog has enveloped my soul. Myriad pebbles appeared on the way, I feel how shorter space grows, It seems, someone wants to erase, who knows, My steady life and lead astray... AGUJERO NEGRO Siento el influjo de un agujero negro Que extiende sus extensas y enormes alas, De s¨bito las aves han dejado de cantar, Y una densa neblina ha embozado mi alma. Miles de gujarros han aparecido en mi camino Y ciento como el espacio se reduce, Parece que alguien anhela apartarme, quien sabe, De una vida estable y hacerme vagar sin rumbo fijo. HOW DIVINE IS DANCE OF JOY! How divine is dance of joy! It seems as a perpetual cascade Which never stops and never fades, Have sensual pleasure and enjoy! Feel the pulsation of thirsty lipos, Your heart beats quickly to and fro, Oh you are happy with what's in store, How alluring is the nectar's sips! ¡QUÉ DIVINO ES EL BAILE QUE VIENE DEL GOZO! ¡Qué divino es el baile que viene del gozo! Se asemeja a una perp[etua cascada Qué ni cesa ni se marchita nunca, ¡Siente su placer sensual y distruta! Siente el pulso de los labios sedientos, Tu corazón late con rapidez de un lado a otro, ¡Oh, qué feliz eres con lo que tienes! ¡Qué attración ejercen los sorbos del nectar! MIND Oh you, swift virtuous mind, I could not live withour you, I could not search for a fine hue, Without you I am deaf and blind. Without you I cannot find My correct and successful way, Without you I go astray, My meditative subtle mind! MENTE ¡Oh tú, mente eagil y virtuosa, Sin ti no podría vivir Ni buscar ningún hermoso color, Sin ti estoy sordo y ciego. Sin ti me es impossible hallar El camino correcto y el camino hacia el éxito, Sin ti me pierdo sin remedio, ¡Oh, mente sutil y dada a la meditación! OH MY BELOVED, YOU'VE BUILT A TEMPLE OF LOVE Oh my beloved, you've built a temple of love, I ascend the steps of a wide starcase To reach again that peaceful sublime place Where I listen to the cooing of white dove! I bow to the altar of my fickle goddess And look at the bewitching angel's flight, I wait the night with climmering candlelight To sing to you from my soul enchanting odes! OH, AMADA MIA, HAS EDIFICADO UN TEMPLO DE AMOR Oh, amada mia, has edificado un templo de amor. Subo los peldaños de una amplia escalera Para tratar de de alcanzar de nuevo ese lugar sublime Y lleno de paz, Donde escucho el arrullo de una blanca paloma. Me inclino ante el altar de mi inconstante diosa Y contemplo el vuelo del ángel arrebatador Mientas espero la venida de la noche a la luz De una vela resplandeciente, ¡Para cantarte desde mi alma odas llenas de encanto! MUSE My Muse is hiding among the trees, My Muse is rolling along the hills, My Muse is in the clanking wheels, My Muse is in the tender breeze. My Muse is in the nightingale's trill, My Muse is within a silver bell, Without my Muse I cannot dwell, She is my pleasure and my skill. MUSA Mi Musa se esconde entre los árborles, Mi Musa rueda por las colinas, Mi Musa se halla en las ruedas que resuenan, Mi Musa se halla en la plácida brisa. Mi Musa se halla en el trino del ruiseñor, Mi Musa está dentro de una campana argenta, Sin mi Musa no puedo vivir, Pues constituye tanto mi placer como mi arte. I REMEMBER I remember every glorious day Of my splendid radiant youth When the color was never grey, When we told each pther the truth! I remember those shaddy trees, I remember my little town, I still feel that caressing breeze Embracing me like a nightgown. Those days remain in my beating heart, Oh, my youth, my eternal song, Everything was beautiful, smart, Every day was attractive and long! RECUERDO Recuerdo cada glorioso dia De mi juventud maravillosa y radiante, Cuando nada era gris, Cuando nos decíamos siempre la verdad. Recuerdo esos árboles llenos de sombra, Recuerdo mi pequeña ciudad, Y aún siento esa brisa que me acariciaba Y abrazaba como un camisón. Aquellos dias permanecen grabados en mi Corazón palpitante, ¡Ay, juventud mia, eterna canción! ¡Cuando todo era bello y elegante! ¡Cuando todos los dias eran hermosos y prolongados! LOVE IS ENDLESS JOURNEY Love is endless journey To the faraway stars. Love will come to you for sure, It's never too late to love! Love has no borders. Love is sacred yet carefree, Love has a thousand faces, Love is endless! Everyone wants to be loved, Love is somewhere near you, Love is in our blood, And we die without love! EL AMOR ES UN PERIPLO INFINITO El amor es un periplo infinito Hacia las lejanas estrellas. Con toda certeza el amor te llegará, ¡Nunca es tarde para amar! El amor no conoce fronteras. El amor es sagrado más despeocupado, El amor posee miles de rostros, ¡El amor es infinito! Todos desean ser amados, El amor es halla en un lugar cerca de ti, El amor está en nuestra sangre, ¡Y sin embargo, nos morimos sin amor! THERE ARE NOT APPROPRIATE WORDS There are not appropriate words, Your lips are dry, my throat is parched, I cannot touch you whom I loved so much, Just vanished an eternal chord. And suddenly a senseless sword Cut every thread that tied us together, With one stroke changed the fair weather, Now is depleted our hard-won hoard! There are not appropriate words, All our feelings melted like wax, How rough is reality's axe, When nothing strikes a sensitive chord... NO EXISTEN LAS PARABLAS ADECUADAS No existen las palabras adecuadas, Tus labios están secos, mi garganta tiene sed, No puedro tocar a quien amé tanto una vez, Tan sólo se desvaneció el acorde del sentimiento. Y de súbito, una ilógica espada Cortó cada hilo que nos mantenia unidos, De un solo golpe cambió el buen tiempo E hizo vaciar el tesoro que tanto nos costó ganar. No existen las palabras adecuadas, Todas nuestras emociones se fundieron como la cera, ¡Qué duro es el hacha de la realidad, Cuando nada toca un acorde sensible! MY NIGHTLY THOUGHTS BRING WHIMSICAL DELIGHT My nightly thoughts brings whimsical delight When I by stellar shavl do enfold, Keep in my hands this spacious hectic world Sitting in the shadow of scattered candlelight. To be honest, I don't like a burning broad daylight. And I don't like the glorious landscape. I am glad to find a miraculous escape In my beloved inpenetrable midnight. I like my mistery, a slowly rolling moon, I like an opalescent cold moon beam, When I am at the mercy of a sweet dream Stirring black coffee by a silver spoon. My gentle Muse believes still in my might, Sometimes she is teasing me, after a while We are looking at each other with a smile... I love this sable magic lonely night! MIS PENSAMIENTOS NOCTURUOS ME PRODUCEU UN CAPRICHOSO DELEITE Mis pensamientos nocturnos me produceu Un caprichoso deleite Cuando me envuelue in chal de estrellas, Cuando guardo en las manos este enorme Y ajetreado mundo, Al permanecer sentado a la sombra De una vela encendido y dispersa. A decir verdad, no me agrado la lit del dia pues me querra, Ni tampoco el sublime paisaje. Me alegro de hallar una salida milagroso. En mi amada e inpenetrable noche. Me fascina el misterio, con esa luna que rueda lentamente, Me gusta el fito e irisado rayo de luna Cuando estoy a merced de un dulce sueño Que remuene un café solo lon una cuchara de plata. Aún cree mi gentil Musa en m,i poder, Aunque a veces se birla de mi, mas al cabo de un rato nos miramos con una sonrisa en los labios... ¡Cuanto amo esta noche mágicay salitaria como la marta cibelina! I REMEMBER THAT SUNSET I remember that sunset. We sat down nea the sea And looked at grey waves. It was the end of our love. We separated. We never became Close to each other again. You were too terrestrial, I was violent and unpredictable. We choosen different paths... Traducción por Teresinka Pereira (USA) LEMBRO-ME DESTE CREPÚSCULO Lembro-me deste crepúsculo Sentamo-nos perto do mar E olhamos as nuvens cinzas. Era o final de nosso amor. Separamo-nos Nunca mais voltamos A encontrar-nos. Você era muiro terrestre Eu era violento e imprevisivel. Fomos por diferentes cambinhos... I REMEMBER YOU OFTEN I remember you often When among troubles I wipe away in my mind Another faceless day. I understand more and more That my treasures are buried So deep that I don't know, Did we really meet each other During those May days When Crimea was in blossom? I still carry my dream Dying every day. Traducción por Teresinka Pereira (USA) ME ACUERDO DE TI Siempre me acuerdo de ti Cuando en dificultades Borro de mi mente Otro dia sin cara. Entiendo cada vez más Que mis tesoros son enterrados Tan profundamente que no sé Si nos conocemos mutuamente Durante esos dias de mayo Cuando la Crimea florecia Te llevo todavia en mi sueño Y voy muriendo un poco cada dia. *** EARTH AND HEAVEN I look at the reddish straw of your hair... You are beautiful girl, such a terrestrial creature, I feel the warmth of the sun, the scent of spring air, You've captures too much from generous nature! I am gazing into the depths of your attractive eyes, I never get tired looking at the goddess, My heart is ready to burn in your fire, You are unforgettable, you are gorgeous! I kiss ecstatically your ripe cherries, I drink the sweet wine of your excellent body. You are undoubtedly a mysterious fairy, The revived Galatea of eternal melody! LOVE AT FIRST SIGH I fell in love at my fist sigh, When I saw you on a summer day. I still don't know how and why, But I am grateful for that way. I was the victim of the lust, I craved to kiss your coral lips. I tried to melt the ice of distrust, I was ready to sail our merry ship! When you whispered silently yes, I was the happiest man in the world, The fire of feelings, breast to breast, Burned me instantly, I wasn't old! I've heard in heaven, oh my Lord, How soul's spirit passed through me. I kissed you violently, I felt secrets stored, Oh my night violet, the Deity! We sank in a powerful tide of dreams, So close to each other, face to face, Our souls swam up again through gleams Of feelings current with sweet embrace. I will remember you, my dove Gliding in a turquoise sky. A fervent heart will follow you, my beloved, I fell in love at my first sigh! THE FIRST KISS There is a fresh fragrance of the first kiss, It is powerful flame that lights up your heart With unspeakable feelings, a miraculous bliss, How pleasant is really the Cupid's dart! The gorgeous gaze of your beloved is shy, Inviting lips are tremulous and wet. Silver moonlight from the glimmering sky Is weaving a glamorous attractive net. The first kiss creates a magic vibration, And carries the lovers into a sweet dream. It opens for the soul a new sensation, That only love may forever redeem. It's the confluence of two fragrant blossoms Toward the creation of new living being. There is no more solitude. Bosom to bosom A heavenly kingdom the first kiss will bring! MY BELOVED, HOW I LOVE YOU! The cat is purring on an armchair, The dog is sleeping near the fireplace, Wood is crackling in the air, Let me kiss your pensive face. The pendulum is counting hours, Bright stars languish in the sky, Give me bliss of fragrant flowers, Lay next to me and don't be shy. I'll hide you in my calm harbor, Keep forever of my heart's key. After midnight come to an arbor, Let's sit down under under the tree. I'll bring a gold ring with an amber, Drink divine drops of night dew. Dive in embrace of sweet slumber, My beloved, how I love you! COMELY DAUGHTER OF CRIMEA Maybe the light and fire were your mother, Perhaps you've rose from the marine foam. Nobody knows, but you are quite another, Crimea will be your eternal home. Your roots are here, it must be understood. Here is everything yours: the mountains blue serene, A crimson poppy, a scent of bitter wormwood, The fatigued Black sea, and sunset scene... There exist another continents, But you will stay forever here, In my unforgettable happiness' land, You are comely daughter of blooming Crimea! SILVER WEDDING Time runs, the thread of life still spins. I comprehend a solemnity of the moment. By every corpuscule, without any comment, I grasp this impulse, I know what it does mean. We spent our days of wedlock like human beings, It's time to drink wine from a silver horn. My love, how fragile and sacred you were born, Oh God, grant heavens will be blue serene! YOUR EYES Your eyes look like a expanse haze, Your eyes look like fresh ripe grapes. I'm ready all my life to gaze, I'm ready all my life to wait. When your eyes will lose last trace of sadness, When your eyes will call: come and take, When the love in your eyes will awake, You'll be mine forever, in grace and gladness! BE MY MAN! Do you like the noiseless slipping Of an alluring chemise in silk? I'm a woman of that ilk Who gives love instead of weeping. Look at the violet amethyst Decorating my dazzling ring. Come to me, and I will bring You to luxurious feast. Get up, kiss my sensual lips, Touch my lovely almond skin. Be my knight, strong and serene Manning hard the running ship! Win, my hero, a Golden Prize, Take devoted loving heart. Be my man, beloved and smart, Kind, compassionate and wise! BEAUTY Do you like to watch the ballet "Swan Lake"? Are you sad holding the faded roses? Are you amazed looking at the wriggling snake? How unusual are feelings that beauty arouses! Beauty is phantom, a gem of your soul, A domain for your heart, unforgettable sunshine, A Roman amphora, a splendorous bowl Filled with essence of old Italian wine. Beauty is something exotic, unseen, A magic connection of bliss and chord, An exquisite play on a heavenly scene, The perfect and crowning handwork of Lord! BACKYARD SWING Goodbye, cold winter, welcome, spring! Sparrows are chirping, heaven is bright. I hear the piercing scratch of a backyard swing, I watch the first swallow's impetuous flight. How strange the music of these various noises, When a baby cries, and a happy puppy barks, Somewhere are quacking a clamorous ducks, Crows are croaking...There are meowing voices... But suddenly the sky is becoming dark. There is bright lightning, and the heavy fall of rain, The mighty symphony of a thunderstorm's strain! I am like Noah during the Flood in his Ark... At last the downpour is finished. A rainbow's arc Brings our souls into a delightful spring. Birds twitter..Diamond droplets spark... There is again the scratch of backyard swing! IT'S NOVEMBER AGAIN... It's November again... The trees are ready to sleep under the snow. There is wind, chilly rain, All in nature gets slower and slower... I look at the tops of birch trees, They think about lost summer, How short was the tender breeze, How long will be a chilly newcomer. I'm wandering pensively alone at random, Where once we ambled along familiar paths. Destiny divide us, this is requiem... Farewell, lucky days, you'll never come back, alas! SILENCE... Silence... I'm afraid to frighten away this silence. The forest wakes up and looks around in surprise. After a killing frost and snowstorm's violence Early spring days come with a clear sunrise. It's fresh in my memory, dreams of a long night, Cold, shivering trees under endless snowfalls. But spring breaks the chains of winter's might, It's thawing slowly, the icy snowballs... Spring is coming, and all life is full of glee, Nature is waiting for a necessary quota. But only lifeless is black oak tree, He looks gloomily at his reflection in the water. He grows side by side with beloved rowan berry, The beautiful tree with bright red hair. Last summer he whispered: marry me, marry, You will never forget that love affair! They were delighted. But life is so fragile, The rowan berry was broken by terrible gust. And suddenly vanished the happiness isle, A slight hope to live went into the dust... GLORY To set out in pursuit of fickle glory Is a common purpose of conceited people. These restless runners are getting hoary, But their goal has vanished like a morning ripple. Perhaps one will reach the desirable throne Decorated by precious stones and gold. Euphoria has passed, he is forgotten, alone... The yellow devil is heartless and cold! THE LAST DAY OF WINTER There are no more winter's chains, The old ice slowly melts, There are no more shackling belts, There is drizzling of the first rain. And a cheerful brooks drain Through the heavy settled snow. How pleasant to hear droplet's refrain From thawing icicles in a row. I like this turbid flow Of violent spring's reign, When a weakened winter wanes, And proudly caws the crow! I CANNOT IMAGINE FOR A MOMENT I cannot imagine for a moment That all I wrote will disappear. No offspring will ever comment On what I'm looking and what I hear Will never touch a life-giving stone With a heart beating's indication... I cannot imagine to be alone Like a cemetery's dry carnation. I cannot imagine, I never met you... There is grey ash instead of fire, The rainy times that will subdue Any advance, the last desire... I kiss your marble quivering shoulder, I'm so delighted, I'm so fused, Oh Galatea, my devoted Muse! And let eternity close this folder... THROUGH SHIFTING SANDS OF REMEMBRANCE Through shifting sands of remembrance I sneaked back to my childhood. I found a familiar path...What a dissonance! But my cuckoo no more cuckooed. My copse is withered, my brook is dry, My ravine is overgrown with weeds... This picture only makes me cry: Where is my childhood indeed? RUSSIAN ARCHIVES AT STANFORD UNIVERSITY I walk up to the tall tower Of Russian Archives at Stanford University. I feel its magnetic power, I am full of immense curiosity. I am putting away for good All the books and poems I wrote. It's an extraordinary mood With tears and dry throat. Who knows, maybe an offspring Will open my yellowed book And find how bewitching is then spring, How babbling is silent brook... Unhappily, there is another way, That nobody in the world Will care about my humble stay, Will never exclaim: behold! BARBARA When once Russian editor Printed your smiling face, Nobody knew how many solicitors Would ask for your help, Your Grace! It's hard to imagine how many souls Need your generous Love. Unbelievable how noble are your goals To comfort them like a cooing dove. It is not usual or easy To find a key to every heart. People are very busy, And each one cannot be smart. You know where the well of health is With crystal water for friends. Give us your trusting hands! CALIFORNIA We are driving day after day Along the ocean, among dry hills, Changing cities, crossing freeways, Turning tirelessly our wheels. We forgot about tourist guide-- Golden Gate Bridge, Disneyland. I discover a primordial, wild, Unpredictable desert land. Oh, my dream, realized El Dorado, Everything in your life you require. But there are earthquakes, floods, tornado, Even a dangerous brush fire... San Diego, Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, Sacramento, San Francisco, Santa Cruz... How different you are, California, You can be violent or you can soothe. PALM SPRINGS There lies an oasis in the low desert, The unforgettable paradise, Palm Springs. An endless song about a lovely flirt Of violent winds with Aeolian harp's strings. Invisible hot currents of passionate air Furiously tear palm trees with a hiss. You're giddy with happiness and plunged in despair, You are sinking inside a glowing heaven's abyss. Twelve bold eagles slowly glide in a row High in a vivid turquoise sky. In a lilac haze sleeps a pensive plateau Listening to an eternal desert's sigh. Sun, wind, mansions, golf courses, Shops, tourists, restaurants, crush, Swimming pools, casinos, cantering horses... That's Palm Springs, welcome and flush. We are sitting in "Banducci", an old Italian restaurant, You came back to your youth, remembering with tears... Palm Springs, Unforgettable, extravagant. To your health! Be happy! Cheers! I WOULD LIKE TO BE THE WIND I would like to be the wind who seeks Space in the unlimited bright sky, Who likes nothing else, but to fly Eternally for hours, days and weeks, Who doesn't care about love and hate, Who has neither friend nor foe, Who only wanders to and fro, Who cannot be trapped by any gate, Who whispers around the birch tree, Who grows still along the hill, Who is gliding ghost with free will, I would like to be the wind in eternal glee... THE RED LIGHT OF NON TRANSMITTED MESSAGES How many messages I tried to send to you, And every message looked like a fresh green leaf, I would like to tell about my joy and grief, I used tender words with a special color hue. Look at the rainbow of the beautiful dew And understand how hard I wrought, Evaluate how much I wrote, How successful I tried to comfort you! I did not send any message of mood. All my green leaves became yellow. They lay indifferently in a row, I shed my tears before a tree I hewed. You cannot imagine how I love you. My non transmitted messages day and night Emit in panic an intensive red light, I know, it is silly, but I cannot send them anew. I REMEMBER I remember every glorious day Of my splendid radiant youth, When the color was never grey, When we told to each other the truth! I remember those shady trees, I remember my little town, I feel still that caressing breeze Embracing me like a nightgown. Those days remain in my heart, Oh, my youth, my eternal song, Everything was beautiful, smart, Every day was attractive and long! THE TASTE OF A BITTER LIFE I am rolling along an endless way, Trying to find my own place in this life, Feeling the sharp edge of bloody knife, Searching the welcome bay. I am sick from the violence and decay, I suffer from a web of lies, I don't want my early demise, I don't want to go astray. I prefer a self-made law, Where I have my eternal rest, Where I fin d the quiet nest, Near of ebb and flow... THE OCEAN DEPTHS OF MY IMMORTAL SOUL The ocean depths of my immortal soul, Who understands something known by God. My secret soul, you are sometimes so odd, You have no rest, every moment you stroll! When my meek body is weary and weak, When bitter sadness overfill my bowl, You comfort me, my comprehensive soul, You are enthralling, ardent, and unique! I CANNOT PROMISE TO BRING YOU SUNNY DAY I cannot promise to bring you sunny day, I cannot promise to bring eternal spring, I cannot promise to bring an expensive ring, If you don't care, please choose another way. Be sure only, I cannot betray, I'll be devoted to you all the time, If you like such tranquil moderate clime, Then stay with me and don't go away! I AM A FLUTTERING BIRD SOARING IN THE SKY I am fluttering bird soaring in the sky, Bringing to you, an unknown soul, The emerald ring and a priceless bowl Filled with my love which is lasting and shy. Tell me the truth, I don't know, why I send to you my yearning song, I never was an idol of an insatiable throng, And I never haven reach an Olympic High. I don't want to seduce you or to lie, I came to you to share honestly my creed, But I don't know, do you need To hear my song. You only sigh. You are busy, as everyone is, We have no more time to hear each other, You don't want to be my admirable brother... How quickly you grow, incomprehension's abyss! |
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Design: Sabi / Autors & Sabahudin Hadžialić. Design LOGO - Stevo Basara.
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